Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Despicable You, Predictable Me?

There are two types of people in this world... those who want to be known... and those who don't.  I am quickly realizing that I am very content being part of the latter.

I do not like my picture taken, although I think this is because I was born with a sincere lack of photogenic..ity?  I do not like to take credit, but dole it out constantly.  And I do not like being a "regular".

Now, what you are about to hear might cause you some real pain.  Then, you might defriend me on every social network I have an account on.  Then, you might tell stories about me one day to your grandkids "once... I knew someone who was just so gross".

I am a regular.  Officially.  At.... McDonald's.  UGH. I know.  I am grossed out by it completely, and any lecture you feel like giving me, I already have heard... from myself.  Each time I drive into the parking lot.

Look, its been an extremely hot past few weeks here in the Northeast territory of the USA.  And they say you should always stay hydrated.  And half sweet/half unsweet iced teas are really good.

Don't get me wrong.  Iced tea, half sweet/half unsweet, is ALL that I get at McDonald's.  A few weeks ago, I thought I'd try to eat something... It not only tasted vile, but my stomach let me know it was pissed throughout the work day.

When the temperatures really started to soar and stay in the 85-90 degree area, I began to leave a few extra minutes in the morning and run into the McDonald's that is very much on my way to work.  I probably stopped in 3 times in the first week.  I continued this, and the days when a full family of kids would be in front of me taking their time, I would eye the cashier to hurry it up. (For real? In ANY place that has a menu up, and you are waiting in line... how can you get to the register and say "oh umm, oh, sorry" and not have decided?!)

About a week after the second family of stupid that made me 3 minutes late to work, the cashier began to "know me".... for the next time I went in, I walked up to the register to hear "sweet tea, right? Lemon?".  NO, definitely no lemon, thank you.  I was asked if I wanted lemon the following 4 times, without first ordering the iced tea. (its a DIY MickeyD's.. they don't know my half/half order... I don't...think..)

Then. One time last week?  I walked in, and there was a man placing his breakfast order.  As I approached behind him, as the only other person in line, I hear "sweet tea".. and see a cup held out in the air.  The man ordering looked horrified... probably because 1. I didn't order and 2. He was STILL ordering.  Yes, the cashier took my "order" and payment in the middle of someone else's.  Hello extra 2 minutes.

Today?  The "regular" cashier was kneeling down refilling the cups.  I walked over to the cashier manning the register and said "Hi sw" when I was cut off by the other cashier holding out a cup saying "sweet tea. 1.07, ring it up. I know her already, haha, I know what she orders".


Yes, I feel bad about myself.

I know, there are a ton of people who LOVE this stuff.  But it totally creeps me out.

And one day, I feel like I should order something else... just to keep him on his toes.  A small smoothie (no yogurt of course, bish please), perhaps? 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Argh to the Highest Power

Today (and most days), I don't like...

People who...
-Lie about stupid insignificant things in their past that can easily be proven otherwise by say, a high school yearbook.
-Turn their back on where they're from because its "cool" (I'm all for turning your back on people, not b/c its "cool").
-Will fight 'til the death, against a subject matter expert, even though they are wrong.
-Make things up and treat it as fact, mainly for attention.
-Talk to other adults as if they are children.
-Don't take hints (and not in the coy way, legit hints, like "get out of my face" type hints)
-Specifically pay no attention to their ability to recycle.
-Offer unsolicited advice.
-Demand attention in every situation, (ie- always reverting a conversation back to them, when not relevant); are too self-important.

Mornings that...
-Begin with the computer taking 7 minutes to start, asking you to reset your password and then locking you out. (for an hour).
-Are on Mondays.
-May or may not be the first day back at local schools, causing more traffic (when do I start leaving the extra 15 mins?)
-Are just too hot.

Days which...
-Are too busy to feel like you've actually accomplished anything.
-You feel too lazy to think about accomplishing anything.
-You pre-plan your meals, only to be unsatisfied by the choices... and still hungry.
-I have to clean the house.

Today (and most days), I do like....

People who...
-Give it to you straight (of the friend variety, work confrontations need not be included)(hi Vittoria)
-Put trust in other's abilities to do a good job
-Remind me that others are the same type of friend that I would like to say I am.
-Are inspirational everyday people (hi VJB)
-Make me laugh just by living their life and writing it down (hi Jen Lancaster)

Mornings that...
-Nah, can't think of anything.

Days which...
-I go to PIYO!
-5pm comes fast.
-Offer good, classy, quality television entertainment (HA, please, I watch TLC... on repeat).
-I don't have to clean the house.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Overheard In My Life: Super Random Edition

 Why no picture of the collar?NUH UH

"Ever since you did my oil change, my daughter got pregnant"

"Shaw's for produce? No wonder you ended up with a Granny Smith!"

"This jacket says [EM] on the tag" "Yes, because its mine! Not yours." "UH!"

"All I know is, he stinks on ice!"

"I feel like Donny Osmond, or a magician or something, and you're my assistant.... and thats why we're dressed the same"

 I want one..awww

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello Seattle...

Last week(ish), bf attended a convention in DC... and I followed him around.  I have been wanting to visit DC for a looooooooong time.  Where have I wanted to visit even more? Seattle, the place I should have/almost went to graduate school but instead landed in a Commonwealth for too long.  OH, lucky me.. this same set of meetings "we" attended, is in Seattle next year.

Hello Seattle!

(the style reminds me a lot of "Boston" by Augustana... what is this genre that I seem to love?)

So, "vacation" last week in DC was superb.  I was given time to experience a city that I fully imagined myself living in since middle school, and a chance to become disenchanted by said city due to its public transportation system.

I do strongly recommend, when visiting a new city, do a little bit of research beforehand and pretend you live there by visiting local, non-touristy places.  I found an amazing little vegan bakery, that happened to be right across the street from a mall which had a Best Buy, Staples and TARGET. What do we call this little mecca?  Oh, the place I would live. Its called Columbia Heights.  Not much of a traveler, I was proud of myself for thinking of doing this.

I tried to take advantage of the free-time I had when not visiting family and friends or participating in convention events. What I learned from the experience? 

-There are probably not pandas at the National Zoo. No one I know has seen them.
-DC weather changes faster than New England's.  (I had to buy an umbrella at the zoo. I was there 10 minutes and it was sunny when I arrived. I left soaking wet.)
-Sticky Fingers is a great bakery.
-DC is in major need of a Wagamama.
-The red line is my NEMESIS.
-Vittoria should move closer to me, wherever it is I end up living.
-People are really friendly... unless you are asking them for help (re: directions, metro machines, etc)
-The Metro really needs to be fixed.  Metro cards can be DEactivated if placed too close to a cellphone?! (I arrived back in MA with FOUR metro cards in my wallet, because they were all broken.)
-There is way too much to do and see in 5 days.
-There are wayyyy too many people in one area.
-Stand to the right, people WILL yell if you stand to the left. (this does not work in MA, unfortunately)
-The escalator at Woodley Park/Adams Morgan is the longest everrrrrrrr.
-Jefferson is cool, but he's really far away.
-Jazz in the garden?! Why does every city not have this magical place?!
-The rumors are true... humidity really is oppressive.
-Orange slices in water makes water taste yummy.
-Underground malls that connect buildings are awesome (oh hello Crystal City).
-Maryland and Virginia are not as close as they look on a map.
-Georgetown looks like a nice place to visit, but it isn't convenient to....anything.
-The Hope Diamond is so much smaller than I imagined.
-Capitol City Brewery gives soft pretzels instead of a bread basket.  Why doesn't every restaurant?
-The FLOOR of the House of Reps is a cool place to be. Yes, I said floor.

And I'm back, and ready to roll.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Winter might be a cold one

I was away, out of town, gone, not here, out of STATE(oh so finally) for a short amount of time, and apparently that means I totally forget to write things down to blog.  Woops.  Anyway, details/loves&hates of my trip to come soon...

...but for now. I am in my living room, basement door open with lights on. Kinda sorta, halfway expecting/waiting for an explosion. 

Since college, my blankets have been taken to the dry cleaners.  YES, this costs a damn near fortune... especially if you have a larger than twin size bed, which I do.

I am trying to get to the bottom of a newfound allergic reaction to no one knows what... so I am washing... EVERYTHING.  Including my larger than life blanket.  In the washing machine.  In the TOP LOADING washing machine.  In my basement.   And its taking foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  It is finally on the rinse cycle.  When it gets to spin, I will wait impatiently by its side to somehow manage to get a sopping wet blanket that is super heavy dry out of the smaler than its size machine.

I wouldn't be so jumpy if boyfriend wasn't playing one of those shooty bloody, gives me a headache and makes me disoriented blowup computer games.... it makes it sound like the house is exploding every 8 seconds.  (I've gone to check on the washing machine 4 times.. )

Hopefully I'll post again tomorrow.... should the house be in tact.... and should I not be shopping for a new blanket (although it IS tax free weekend!)