Sunday, February 6, 2011


I can't imagine I'm the only one this happens to.  You wake up, late of course.. think about making breakfast, end up running out of time and leave without anything to eat.  You stop at a cafe, Dunkin, Starbucks..  If its a cafe, as in cafeteria, lunch-room, serve yourself style, you're pretty much on your own.  But in the breakfast area there is a whole plate of oversized crunchy on the outside mushy in the middle muffins.  "Yay muffins", you think - what a delightful little breakfast this will serve as over the next few hours until you are finally finished picking and its lunchtime.  You grab the plate, head to the muffin counter and alas!  There are THREE muffins in a row with dark black pebbly spots poking out.  One has a very mild bluish tint on the side, the other has an even more mild tint in the middle and the third has no tint.  Hoping the one with the bluish tint on the side is in fact blueberry, the muffin is purchased and you begin to work/surf the 'Net while eating.  A few bites in, relieved, you are glad you chose correctly.  The next bite though tastes like a mouthful of chocolate.  HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN!?  Why did my blueberry muffin have one little area where the chocolate chips hid to escape from the other muffin?

Muffin fail, afterall.

94.3% of that muffin was in fact, blueberry.  The remaining 5.7% made me sad.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fireplace Christmas

Yes, I promised to post fireplace Christmas lights.  I also promised myself that I'd charge my camera battery and find the cable that will connect it to the computer.  Fail!  Picture still to come- the lights provided a significant amount of light in a rather dimly lit space and was a talking point for anyone who came over. Success!

I recently went to the dentist where I saw that they use their fireplace as a Poinsettia holder.  Hilarious.

Anyone else not at all thrilled about all of the engagements that happened around Christmas/New Years?

I was a little hesitant to log into Facebook that week since it seemed like every day, someone new was announcing an engagement.  Don't get me wrong, that did not even one bit stop me from wasting my free time on Facebook, but STILL!

Then it got me thinking, through a conversation at work with a handful of 30-something women.

If the engagement was a surprise (as most that I saw on Facebook seemed to be), what if the girl doesn't like the ring?  It is their hand that they have to look at everyday.  Did they have any input?  At least they all seem happy with the outcome- or at least they are within the first few hours while changing their relationship status for the world to see.

Unrelated - Did you get any holiday presents that you really don't like/want?