Helllllllllllllo world. I'm Elle (short for Arielle) and this is a blog. Ah yes, a blog. I love blogs, mainly other people's. Quite a while back, a friend, convinced that I am funny sometimes, suggested that I write my own. "Nah, what could I have to say that anyone would want to read?". A good year went by and I started to think of potential posts in my head, written out word for word, on imaginary paper. Those posts, of course, are gone for good, sorry. But since I think I'm doing this now, here goes!
Here's what you should know about this page:
- I have no idea what this blog will turn into down the road, or tomorrow, or in an hour. I might get creative with pictures, I might not. I might be insightful but most likely there are just a ton of things I witness that I want to tell the world. And I don't have enough facebook friends to do that.
Obviously, because you can read, you know the name of this blog is Where Reality & Make-Believe Collide. One day, I will actually remember that title without having to scroll up to double check. Until then, I'd like to get to the point of this post... potential other names!
After making the conscious decision to write this thing, I needed a name! Here was what could have been:
- Ish My Grandparents Say
- Life Without Puppy
- Dinos Live On NY684
- I Wear Emotions On My Face
- Carnivals Are My Happy Place
- I like Pretty Things
- Twizzlers Help Me Function
- Why Are Other People ALWAYS Where I Am?!
- I Turned My Back On Hollywood
- Age-Guessing Carnies Are My Heros
Total discretion: All former potential titles can and might be subject to an explanation post. "Ish My Grandparents Say" WILL be a series.
Personally I would have gone with "Twizzlers Help Me Function." But that's just me.
Well, yay! This looks like it's going to be fun!
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