Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hungry Hungry Hippos!

What did I do last weekend?  Well... here goes... complemented with pictures:

Friday:  Work. Home. Sweat in the 100 degree house for 2 hours. Decide to pack. Leave House.  Make it to the mall just before closing (addendum: left house LATE), to pick up dress on hold.

Arrive in NYC at 1AM. Celebrate with cousins for 1 hour, head to NJ. Diner until 3:30 AM  Arrive home and fall asleep at 4:30 AM.

Saturday: 6:30 AM alarm goes off to head to Carlo's in Hoboken!  6:40 AM, alarm goes off again.... 6:50 again.... 7:05 involved in a semi-serious discussion about how stupid it would be to drive to Hoboken... and get made to feel bad about myself because I vetoed the whole "its already 4:30 AM, why not just head to Hoboken now, wait for them to open and then sleep?" idea.  What I did NOT see on Saturday:

Sunday:  Considered setting alarm for 6:30 AM again.... realized next time in NJ might be better.  Fate made up for our massive bakery failure by providing us with:

Look close. You will see a Rabbi, leading a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony... surrounded by the groom and groomsmen wearing kilts.  It was awesome.

So funny!

Don't worry Mary, I'll get you next time....

But then again, the Cake Boss website says they are filming next season in Italy. I could crash their party overseas!

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