Thursday, July 1, 2010

NJ ~ sigh

As I left work last Friday, telling my boss that I was going “home”, I smiled. She didn’t realize that I was NOT from this ridiculous place that I currently “reside”. Apparently, on my way to the Garden State I drive through the town she grew up in (which is also the THORN in my side ironically… she told me what exit on 84 she grew up in.. that happens to be the very one that when I get sick of CT and driving, I look up and I’m always, without fail, at that exit). We had a little conversation about “my part” of NJ and she just said “that area is really beautiful; I kind of wish more people would realize that”. I liked her even more that day.

Words I use to describe NJ: green, rolling, farmland, highway, trees, deer, shore-Pt. Pleasant variety. Words others use which make me feel all stabby (thank you Jen Lancaster, heart): fist pumping, turnpike, factories, smell, shore-Sleazside variety.

Anyway I managed to drive all of the way there, without hitting ANY traffic. Of course, the minute I arrived it was busy busy busy, but toooooooooooootally worth it. Visiting my grandparents, the family, the friends (woot Vittoria! Ps- send her good thoughts for waking up early and making it to week 2 ;-), even the sisters were decent. Thank you all.

The main event was the 4th of July carnival and fireworks. This is my annual NJ event and one I really will only miss for VERY important family events. I actually have no idea why we go, since Vittoria and I spend the entire time looking out for and then avoiding everyone we went to high school with. It’s quite a wonderful tradition actually…. But also quite seriously a waste of our time :-)

Here is my list of things that make NJ awesome… my list of un-awesome things is pretty short (deer, cops, HS people, maybe more I can’t remember):
  • Bagels!
  • NY Style Delis that make huge matzoh balls and have pickle bars
  • Mandee
  • ALWAYS being near a highway
  • Cheap gas
  • Free assistant pumping cheap gas
  • DINERS (mmmm disco fries)
  • Disco fries.. I just decided they need their own line

 I’ll think of more and make many more posts on the topic. Trust.


PS- watch ROYAL PAINS tonight on USA. I have no vested interest; it is just an amazingly awesome show. Enjoy, and you’re welcome. (Best enjoyed with pretzel M&MS ;-)

1 comment:

MA said...

um, everything? that is what is awesome about nj. and that bee post just scared the shit out of me.