Thursday, June 17, 2010

My world is NOT your ashtray

This post could also be called:  How I arrived at work smelling like a cigar, and arrived home wearing the scent of cigarette.

And I'm not happy about it.

This morning, all was well, running slightly early (one would say running early enough to post office it and allow father's day cards to arrive on time) until traffic on my little backroad slowed to a standstil. One would no longer say post office is ok get over the fact they might not arrive until Monday, and rather- its rush to get to work but maybe have a minute to spare to pick up a muffin type of morning. 

As I'm stuck waiting at a traffic light for nearly half a mile, I realize that my car smells, like burning.  Naturally I begin to worry thinking my car is about to implode and I start to stick my head out the window to "smell around". What, your parents never did that?

Anyway, I start looking at other cars, and houses to make sure the smell isn't coming from them also.  Directly in front of me is an early 90's Oldsmobile.... and after staring intently, I see fine smoke leaving the driver's side window.  It took me a little while to realize it was a cigar.  For personal and totally sane reasons, I just hate that smell.  Plus, I might be allergic to it.  Of course I end up behind this guy for the next 4.5 miles, on backroads where the cigar smell leaving his car has no where to go but inside mine.  He finally turns off the road and I open all of my windows to get the smell out for real.  I still arrived at work with cigar stink in my hair. Ugh.  Not mad on my behalf yet? How about THIS: he totally threw the butt of the cigar into the residential road I followed him down.  A cigar butt is like 4 times the size of a cigarette butt (not that THATS ok either,ugh). 

SO fine, enough other stuff goes on during the day that helps me forget it.  On my way home, I'm like "which of these cars has the smoker, WHICH one".  Oh right in front of me, but this time a cigarette.  And it wasn't a fine smoke, it was like she was huffing and puffing outside her window. 

Tell me PLEASE.  If you don't want YOUR car to smell like YOUR dirty smoke, why do you think its ok for MY environment and MY air to smell like it?