Friday, September 3, 2010

Double Double Toil and TROUBLE

Great movie, no? 

I don't open Facebook at work for fun... per SE. I really, legit, only check it on my gym days to see if the schedule has changed or if my sessions are cancelled.  Over the summer, this information was posted solely on facebook and after showing up to an empty gym twice, I realized I should be in the know.

Anyway... once I'm in, I scroll through the news feed and such- but never for more than 3 minutes.. and NEVER when there is work on my desk to be done. (unless its 4 minutes before I'm leaving for the day and I really need to find out the gym schedule).

It had been about a week since I checked this at work because the schedule was verbally told and I figured, hey, if it changed.. I'd just go out for ice cream instead.. no worries.  But Monday, it was very quiet in the office.  A couple of people were in meetings and I was getting dangerously close to running out of stuff to do.  So I decided to see if I was still on schedule to have fun at the gym that evening.

I open the web browser, type in Facebook's address, hit enter... and BOOM!  Fire alarm.  My finger was seriously still fully pressed down on the enter key when this fire alarm went blasting. 

"Stay calm, this company is way too big to have a Facebook alarm set up all of the sudden. Stay calm" said my head.  While trying to figure out how fired I was, my hands quickly closed all signs of the Internet, deleted the cookies, and locked the computer. 

As some people decided it was time to evacuate the building, the computer brought the lock screen up with screensaver on and the fire alarm stopped.

It took me a few hours to decide that I was not the cause of the alarm.  And a few more to stop shaking.

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