Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Television Graveyard

Brief hiatus. I'm lame. Hello again.

"Lone Star" was "HUGE" for "My Generation". Too bad none of it lasted.

I have a real heartache for television shows that are cancelled before they had time to mature. This might be because I know someone who is now unemployed due to one such cancellation, or because I was drawn into CW's "Runaway" a few years ago and have no idea what happened to that family after the first 4 episodes. I don't know why but I really do just feel bad.

These particular three cancellations actually do hit a personal note though because before each one aired, I formed an opinion- which I don't normally do about new shows.

Example: "Hellcats"? I should be all over that, but I don't even know when it airs.. and truthfully- I care more about when Maci on "Teen Mom" got all of her tattoos than watching two Disney channel princesses cheer to the death. Apparently its awesome and a guilty pleasure that I would/should really love. I prefer to watch Lauren Graham on "Parenthood" as I pretend she is still,
and forever,

When I first started to see ads for "Lone Star" I just thought of it as another Fox show to air after "House"- which means I would inadvertently end up watching part of one episode at some point in the time in the season. This struck another chord close to home when friends traveling JetBlue told us that they were able to watch the pilot before it aired... WEEKS before. Hello hype! I was surprised to hear it lasted even two episodes.

"Huge", I just didn't care about at all... and I think that was only because it conflicted with my regularly scheduled TLC offerings of the evening. I do remember making a point though to remember that I didn't care and not to watch an episode in the chance I might actually like it.

"My Generation", I was legit so psyched about. All summer I kept saying "I'm going to watch that!" after a teaser aired. A week before it was set to premiere, I did my loyal research on its website to learn more about the background, etc. I have absolutely no idea why I thought an ABC show like this would be REAL... but being the show's exact target aged audience, I was devastated to learn it was scripted...overly so and full of real actors. I chose not to watch it when I found that out. When a friend posted on fb asking everyone to watch it to save her job- I tuned in. For 6 minutes. Sorry, ABC, but you did this one some justice. And so very sorry, friend.

I just read an article about the 10th anniversary of Gilmore Girls airing. What if they cancelled it due to poor ratings? Apparently the first few episodes WERE met with poor ratings! Trust me, I'm not saying any of these shows are of Gilmore caliber, but I do feel for them.

What are YOU watching this season that is new? Anything? I'm not. I'm sticking with my "same olds" from last season and they take up enough of my time.

I used to be much more "in the know".... but my $10 Entertainment Weekly subscription ran out.

1 comment:

MA said...

modern family modern family