Monday, July 26, 2010

Brown Thumb Strikes Again

RIP crazy orchid.

Thursday- I realized it was about that time to water it again.

Friday- watered it and noticed some flowers were wilting.  "Finally" was my only reaction since this plant seemed indestructable.  Then I noticed a leave was sort of bloated, which is the only word I can think of to describe it.  I watered it.

Saturday- all but one flower fell off, plant has gone to the bad place.

Since I never disposed of the corn plant, one can only wonder that with the orchid out of the picture, if it will grow, bloom, and eat us.



MA said...

dude. do not throw it out. seriously. bring it next week!

Elle Markus said...

which one, orchid or corn plant? neither will travel well/it might not be legal to bring it on a plane. also why would you want them?! both are CRAZY, the orchid way more than the other (plus, dude, its like dead).

its from ikea. I buy you new one. It be pretty, and you not kill it. deal?