Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh Journalism.

This was supposed to be posted 2 days ago, when I wrote it. So it might be dated. I'm only a little sorry.

Once upon a time, I was a journalism major. Knowing that, here are my thoughts on today's THRILLING headlines. (full discretion: Only 60% of the time do I actually read articles. Headlines matter. Yes, I also judge books by their covers.)

On the oil:  "Gulf of Mexico oil spill worst in U.S. history" Wait, but its not worst in the world? Do something. Patches only fix leaky tires for so long, use that theory and find a new plan. The morning show host said it best "Want to hear Toyota's thoughts on their latest recall? 'did you hear there's an oil spill in the Gulf?"

On the Internet: "We're running out of Internet addresses" Awesome, and no, we're not. Your article itself says so. And thanks for updating that article to read IP addresses. The first version described the ability to run out of websites.

On body snatching:  "My life as a 'body-snatcher' in Thailand" I was strangely drawn to this article and it was nothing like I expected. Yes, I expected a real life Boba Fett.

On the paint: "Paint for road stripes runs out"  HAHAHAHAHAHA. sorry.

On the Sun: "Indoor tanning boosts cancer risks" Hey CNN, 1975 called, they want their news back.

On the farm: "Farmville coming to Yahoo!"  Oh great. Another generation of unproductive youth. and future employees.

Wow. I don't know what else to say.

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