Friday, May 7, 2010

MMMM Tainted Seafood.

Vittoria sent me an e-mail telling me to watch the Daily Show. Apparently they were talking about how ridiculous it is to COVER an oil spill with a metal box.

I sent her an e-mail 2 days before that saying the exact same thing.

Dear John Stewart, I'm looking for a new job.

Also, in what way do these people really think this is going to work!? "OK, lets just cover it." "with...?" "A big, metal, BOX!" "yeah!"

Because you know, no one in history has ever moved, demolished or lifted a structure that a past generation left behind. In 200 years when people (yes I'm giving a lot of faith here thinking we will last another 200 years) are scanning the oceans and wonder why there is a GIANT box there, they WILL move it. Why? Because its human nature. What will they find? A colossal mess. Just as the ocean is finally almost done fixing itself from the first one.

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