Monday, May 3, 2010

Off-Color Thoughts: What went through my mind in the past 24 hours.

-Walking out of Target, there was that amazing snake of red carts that the little cart retriever makes. We exited, red cart snake on the left, my car on other side of cart snake:
"I feel like the oil".  (prompt funny looks from others here. When it was explained, and understood by others- "oh thats um... topical"). At least I think I'm funny. Does no one else read the news?

-"I cannot wait to go home and wash my hands, every single person in this building has dirty dirty hands. Its so gross". Co-worker looks at me funny and then realizes what I'm saying. Boil Water Order is set for most of the region I live in, including where I work. Soap and Water is turned off, giant santizing tubs in their place(in the restrooms). Gross.

-On wearing a Holter monitor (I'm fine, really, just let me believe it, you should too): "I feel like I'm wearing a bomb". Without skipping a beat, my aunt replies "Just don't go anywhere near Times Square".

.... Too soon?

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