Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life's Little Lessons

1.  No matter how nice you are, or how you and your family have been through a lot lately, I WILL judge you if you sneeze into your hand and I see it.  I will judge you more and be convinced you've made me sick if you sneeze into your hand, immediately pick up paper and hand it to me.  Sneezing into your hand is only acceptable if you immediately wash your hands (with soap!) after... otherwise, follow nursing rules- sneeze into your elbow!

2. Speaking of washing your hands... if you don't wash your hands after using the restroom, and I catch you, I will think you are gross.  I probably won't let that feeling go either.  Same goes for people who fake wash.  Oh, what? Yes, I see/hear you, you "this sink is automatic so I will just wave my hand near the sensor, let people hear the water, and then run out of the room" or you "I'll just rinse a finger quickly under water and people will think I washed".  Whats so hard about washing your hands?

3. My next residence will be chosen based on the following requirements: kitchen counter space and lighting, carpet and central air.  I am so sick of being hot.  Bring on fall!

4.  I have zero interest in unsolicited life advice, especially that in which I am called an idiot. THREE times.

5.  I should write posts as I think of them and then just schedule when they post.  That would make sense, and provide more for your reading pleasure.

6.  I am finally beginning to read "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" on a recommendation from a genius friend. Sustainability is amazing.

1 comment:

vee bee jay said...

Did you finish Animal Vegetable Miracle? Did you like it? How could you buy apples at Shaw's???? ;)