Monday, July 5, 2010

So much to say.. so much to say, CAKE

SO many posts running through my head!  I vow to take the photos off my camera that I would like to post, and actually write things about them.. then maybe even pre-schedule their posting date so you have something to read and I stop feeling bad about myself :)

Do you watch TLC's Cake Boss?  I do.  And you should (although I was told tonight that after mentioning "Say Yes To The Dress" for years, my mother was underwhelmed after her first experience with the show).  But really, Cake Boss is like Ace of Cakes but Jerseyfied... awful accents, overblown Sopranos-like Italian-ness and really yummy looking desserts. 

This show takes place in a bakery in Hoboken, NJ... an area where I might happen to be near this weekend. 

The real question... do I stay or do I go?

I read real live reviews online, not the TV-padded versions.. and apparently the wait to get near the door is outrageous, especially on a weekend when I would be there.  But very few said the desserts weren't worth it.  I'm leaning to yes.

The bakery opens at some scary sounding time, like 7am-ish.  Our plan, legit, is to wake up at 6:30 and go there for when it opens. All to avoid waiting in line. Then go back to sleep.  Crazy?  Yes.

I invited my mother. Who has never, ever seen the show... or even heard of it.

Here's what happened.

"We're thinking of going to a bakery in Hoboken Saturday morning at like 7am, want to come?"


"Are you sure? Its supposed to be good, its on Cake Boss and everyone seems to lo"


"But, its a cool place and on T."


"But, you like"


"You don't have to drive, just co"

"Absolutely not but thaaaaaaaaaaanks"

"Ok but seriously, its a bakery and their stuff looks incredible, and its not like we're in town that often and"


She WILL get a cannoli.  And she WILL eat it.  And she WILL love it.  Or maybe at a reasonable hour, we will just go to lunch.

What would you do?  Sleep?  Go?  Go and buy a cupcake to throw at Mary, Buddy's sister (who else doesn't want to do this)?  Go and buy pastries that don't make it all the way back home?  Sleep?  Wake up at 6:30, get mad, fall asleep, wake up at 10 and buy cake at Pathmark?  You tell me.


Random Esquire said...

You're killin' me over here. Did you go or not? ;)

And what'd you eat?


MA said...

the thing is, if you had JUST gone when i was living in hobo, you could have totally gotten in. no line back then.