Thursday, April 22, 2010

Overheard In My Life: Asian Edition

1.  A Chinese woman (with a thick accent) that I met while at city hall was about 5 weeks away from retiring after working there for almost 25 years.  A coworker asked if her husband would also be retiring and what they would do:  "No, he needs work. He will not retire. His money is MY money, and my money is MY money".

2. When trying to decide on an Asian restaurant for dinner with my Korean friend:
Friend: "Have you been to [this place]? It's authentic and it's cheap too! Like each entree is generally under $10. It's so authentic that most are cash only, I think, ha!"
me: "I'm pretty sure by 'authentic' not taking credit cards, you mean 'tax evaders'"
Friend: "Yes, tax evaders. Sounds pretty authentically Asian to me."

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