Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"How do you like 'dem apples!" Or: Questions Of The Day

1. Why do people swerve left to go right, and vice versa? Followup- why do some people find it necessary to come to a complete stop before turning right?

2. When I clicked on CNN.com this morning and saw this "latest news" headline, "Remains of 2 people found in trash bags", why did I automatically assume it happened in NJ? Followup- How was I even right?

3. Is MSG in everything that is of an Asian food variety? Followup- What makes me crave CPK's miso salad ALL the time?

4. Why is Jen Lancaster's "My Fair Lazy" not coming out until May? Followup- Who else should I be reading? (I seem to like memoir genre)

5. Is it going to get cold again before summer? Followup- Please say no.

6. Why do our palates change as we get older? Followup- Anyone else think banana peppers makes their veggie sandwich taste like vomit?

7. Who else misses their "old life"? Followup- Why aren't YOU cheering for UConn?

8. Is no one else concerned that there seems to be a major earthquake reported every 4-6 days for the last 1.5 months? Followup- Isn't it amazing that mining is still such a large industry, and that there is still no real way to prevent such accidents that happened yesterday?

9. If someone asks how you are, and without complaining about one thing you update them on how you're doing- why do they feel compelled to offer advice? Followup- Why can't it ever be good, relevant advice?

10. Do you know the muffin man? Followup- I "researched" Passover and decided it is only 7 days this year. Take that boils!

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